2022 Family Camp Resources
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2022 Family Camp Resources


Rest & Refresh- Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do everyday to restore our bodies to health

GUILT is the driving force behind much of our exhaustion

We are awake ⅔ of our lives
⅔ of adults FAIL to get the 8 hours of ideal sleep

72% chance of sports injury if we sleep 6 hours or less per night
18% chance of sports injury if we sleep 9 hours a night

  1. Rhythm of sleep- meets our physical need for rest
  2. Goal is to reduce cortisol
  3. Cortisol has a 50% increase if you sleep less than 6 hours next day
  4. You can’t make up for missed hours slept
  5. No screens 60-120 minutes before bed

Rhythm of stillness- journaling, pryer, attend to stillness and presence
Meditation- PNAS 12/2021 study

  1. 68 genes out of 220 genes associated with immune response
  2. Upregulated immune signaling with yoga and meditation
  3. 10 hours a day of meditation and mostly silent all day and vegan diet
  4. 14% of American adults use yoga and meditation within past year


Pause, rejoice, attend, yield

Refreshing Rhythm-
Daily- 21 day week, Day 2 arrival home, 3 day weekends
Weekly- sabbath, date nights
Monthly- monthly connections
Seasonal- 3-5 day weekends
Annually- 1 wek, 2 weeks, 3 weeks +

What is at stake without rest, refreshing

  1. Short sleep leads to shorter life span if less than 6-7 hours/night
  2. Even for 1 week disrupted sleep
  3. Doubles risk of cancer
  4. Disrupts blood sugar- prediabetic, increase risk of blocked coronary arteries
  5. Depression, anxiety - “a ruffled mind makes a restless pillow”
  6. You eat more when you are tired

Rest is the best understood as rhythms
4 basic needs for rest

  1. Physical
  2. Emotional
  3. Spiritual
  4. Relational

There is a price to be paid for our exhaustion and for our restoration

Rest requires a radical revision of thinking and beliefs
It demands an attraction of how life unfolds the cost is high

Sleep helps us minimize stress on our bodies

CLARITY is birthed in CALM

God reveals Himself to us in our stillness

Link to the Loneliness and Social Isolation
Loneliness RESEARCH:  2001 Dr Steve Cole professor at UCLA
Loneliness Matters: A Theoretical and Empirical Review of Consequences and Mechanisms
The Social Life of Genes

Statement of Desire Class

Three circle drill
1st circle is think of a moment when you were valued and connected not necessarily in work-in a moment in your home life that you felt valued and connected

2nd circle- think of when you are in the midst of this moment of being connected and valued you then take actions- and what actions you don’t take when you are connected and valued

3rd circle- is what is at stake for you personally if you were not to live in moments of you feeling valued and connected

Make your SOD
Compelling to you NOW- makes you jump out of bed
Challenges and confronts you
Comforts you
Is heart felt and pressed down
Has urgency and intensity

Heart of Woman and Heart of Man & Intimacy
RESOURCES: Captivating book John Eldredge and Stasi Eldredge
Wild at Heart book by John Eldredge

Women Desire:

  1. To be romanced
  2. To play an irreplaceable role in a SHARED adventure
  3. To unveil beauty

Men Desire:

  1. A battle to fight for
  2. To long for an adventure
  3. A beauty to rescue
Unconditional love
Unconditional respect
Not to be challenged, questioned, or controlled


    Physical and Sexual Intimacy Inventory

  1. What are your sexual desires? How does sex fulfill you?
  2. What is the connection you feel deepest during sex with your spouse?
  3. Do you feel your sexual needs/interests are being met with your spouse?
  4. Do you ever have moments your sexual interests are not met?
  5. What do you do when your sexual desires are not met with your spouse?
  6. Is there something that “fills” you when your sexual desires are not fulfilled with your spouse?  Do you have another go to?
  7. Describe your bedroom and how it sets you up for intimacy?
    1. Do you sleep in same room & same bed?
    2. Do you turn off your cell phones or not keep them in your bedroom?
    3. Do you stop using your cell phone 1-2 hours before bed?
    4. Do you have a TV or computer you use in your bedroom?
  8. Frequency of sexual encounters:
    1. What is your minimum frequency of sexual encounters?
    2. What do you like to experience in foreplay?
    3. What do you like to experience after sex?


  • Integrity book by Stephen Carter
  • Brenda’s Jank book Run Hard, Rest Well,
  • Vantage Point: A New View of Rest, Rhythm, and the Work of God
  • Victor Frankl, author of Man’s Search for Meaning a psychiatrist who wrote of his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp, wrote:


Research on community:  HONEYBEES
Honeybee study at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Entomology Department

RESOURCE: https://lab.igb.illinois.edu/robinson/


Spontaneous futures, possible past, my potential future based on present circumstances
Beth Campbell from UT Austin 2019

RESEARCH- THREAT-what kind of anchoring image? EYES- squishy
In 2008 published in Thorax Journal Edith Chen social psychologist at Univ of British Columbia COGNITIVE FRAMING -

Psychological Stress in Childhood and Susceptibility to the Chronic Diseases of Aging: Moving Toward a Model of Behavioral and Biological Mechanisms