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Ron Dellanno, D.C., CEO - Cervigard Spinal Bracing Corporation

  • Wednesday, 29 May 2024 09:39
I was very impressed with the entire TLC organization. Presentations had excellent content that was delivered in a professional manner.

Your support team were very accommodating, especially getting the video technician to include the close ups when we performed the neck adjustments and Cervigard collar fitting on stage. The objective of teaching the doctor audience advanced material that they could use in their patient care was very satisfying to see from our perspective.

The Cervigard team looks forward to working with your wonderful Chiropractor and CA teams in the future!

Baylee, CA - Active Life Chiropractic - TLC Testimonial

  • Monday, 19 February 2024 08:10
My name is Baylee and I am Dr. Sam Henley’s new Tech CA! I’m sending this email as part of the homework for the CA Foundation call, but I did want to also share how much I have enjoyed TLC even just for the short time that I have been introduced to it.

Outside of chiropractic, my husband and I are the youth pastors at our church. So, I was very excited when going to my first TLC seminar and finding out the faith that you and Dr. Jen have. I love how open and humbling the TLC environment is and how much you both care about raising up not just the next generation of chiropractors, but also their staff and their patients. Being a part of TLC has given me another avenue in which I am able to develop more skills, get out of my comfort zone, and utilize the wisdom you both pour out. Thank you for all of the opportunities for growth and for the wisdom you both provide not only to the doctors but to us as CAs. I can’t speak for everyone, but I can see that it is a common feeling that we as CAs find it very easy to feel valued by our doctors and the entire TLC team.

This Is What Coaching Did For Me - Dr Scot McCormick

  • Friday, 27 October 2023 09:41

Dakota, CA - Balanced Life Chiropractic - TLC Testimonial

  • Thursday, 22 June 2023 14:29
Thank you for creating a program that encourages non-competitive growth between offices. It’s really amazing to witness (and now participate) in the deep connections and the professional teamwork that thread together so many different Doctors, and their teams. We’re only as wise as the experiences we’ve had, and the ability to share so candidly with each other in order to maximize our growth is really cool. Being able to participate in the monthly Tuesday calls has been so crucial to my growth as a CA, and now with Foundations under my belt I’m able to feel more confident in my position. Dr. Amy is an amazing leader and is always encouraging Jess and I to be the best versions of ourselves in everything we do in the office. She turns every question we have into a beautiful training moment that has definitely helped us connect super quickly into a high functioning team. I can’t speak enough to her character and her ability to educate and lead efficiently and from a place of love.

Once again, TLC is an entirely unique program, and I’m so grateful for all the energy and love that Drs Dean and Jen have placed into the growth of others.

Dr. Cris Welsh - TLC Testimonial

  • Monday, 26 September 2022 13:46

Dr Cathy Gurman - TLC Testimonial

  • Thursday, 17 February 2022 09:35


"I truly don’t know what I would have done without TLC coaching. TLC has been helping me Holistically, through all walks of my life. I am so grateful to the TLC community; you can experience pure joy and amazing support when you are around them. They do everything to uplift you, so you can be a better chiropractor, better spouse, better parent, better team leader, better friend, and better human being."
~ Dr. Suby

"After practicing as an associate who was exploited and isolated by a string of bad experiences for a decade, TLC Coaching saved me from forfeiting my gift as a chiropractor. Being nurtured and built back up by a host doctor who has not just preached but LIVED TLC coaching principles for the last 19 years has reset my compass to my “true north” as a chiropractor AND as a person. This hasn’t just saved my career IT’S SAVED MY LIFE. This group has truly brought light and purpose back to what it means to be a chiropractor after being stuck in the dark for so long and forgetting my identity. When they say they’ve built this community to support each other to succeed THEY MEAN IT, and when they see you do so they have GENUINE JOY about it. They know that your success increases the reach in the communities YOU build and touch with the message of chiropractic and saving lives. This community truly wants to build and grow you and not exploit your gifts. Even if you don’t know what your gifts are, if you are open, THEY WANT TO HELP YOU DISCOVER THEM. I’ve truly learned, and continue to learn, what grace, unconditional love, and support means through this community and could not be more grateful to have found my way here. It’s truly made my previous bad experiences WORTH IT just to end up a pa"rt of this family. When you find the place you are meant to be, even a painful journey is still a beautiful one, and now I OVERstand what people mean when they say they’ve been given beauty for ashes.
~ Dr. Tyressa